Virtual Pivot Headset @ Bike Rumor
Tyler from Bike Rumor has dedicated himself to our Virtual Pivot headset:
Matthias’ physics lesson: Understanding steering geometry
Matthias Reichmann, inventor and developer of the Virtual Pivot Headset explains the physical background of the steering geometry: Stability on the single track vehicle Why doesn’t the bicycle or motorcycle tip over? Because someone is sitting on it and keeping the balance? Yes and no – because above a certain speed, single-track vehicles can just […]

Suspension optimization #1 for the SENDuro
Many of the current shocks offer very a wide range of adjustments. In addition, special tunes can be ordered from many suspension manufacturers. To find the best possible setup for the SENDuro, we visited Stefan from insanityofgravity. Stefan is passionately dedicated to all topics related to mountain bike development, optimization and tuning. On his blog […]

SENDuro – What`s next?
We have been a bit quiet in the media lately and some of you might have wondered how things are going or what the current status is. We have spent a lot of time on the SENDuro, have tried different setups, have ridden some races and had a really good time on the bike. We […]

SENDuro // pinkbike
The European Bike Project publishes a monthly series about 5 small and exceptional products from European manufacturers on the world’s largest online mountain bike news platform pinkbike. This time we may present our SENDuro in this series alongside 4 other great manufacturers. Read the full article here: https://www.pinkbike.com/news/the-european-bike-project-5-exciting-products-from-small-european-manufacturers-january-2022.html

SENDuro // MBR Magazine
The English Mountain Bike Rider Magazine has published an article about the SENDuro.

SENDuro // ride24
The South African news magazine ride24 published a small article about the Reichmann Engineering SENDuro based on the article from The European Bike Project.
„The Senduro could set new standards for rear-suspension performance.“ ride24
„The Senduro could set new standards for rear-suspension performance.“ ride24

Simon’s SENDuro is Bike of the Week at mtb-news
The mtb-news members have Simon’s SENDuro voted bike of the week. After an invitation from the mtb-news editors, we were allowed to present the current state of the prototype on the front page.

Flatout Custom Bikes | Reichmann Engineering RIP IV
Gino Schlifske from Flatout Suspension presents his personal dream bike – a Reichmann Engineering RIP IV.

Matthias as a guest on the rockster.tv podcast
Our developer and designer, Matthias Reichmann, was a guest on the rockster.tv podcast. Listen to what he has to say about the RIP IV, the SENDuro, triple crown forks in the Enduro and his views on geometry and kinematics.

SENDuro // vitalmtb Bike of the Day
The online magazine vitalmtb has chosen the SENDuro as Bike of the Day.
„If this is what the 1st proto looks like, we can’t wait to see where this goes!“ vitalmtb
„If this is what the 1st proto looks like, we can’t wait to see where this goes!“ vitalmtb

SENDuro // European Bike Project
Das SENDURO wurde vom European Bike Project gefeatured: 2019 startet Alex das European Bike Project mit dem Ziel, besondere Bikes „Made in Europe“ zu zeigen und ein paar Hintergrundinfos zu geben. Mittlerweile betreibt Alex einen sehr erfolgreichen Instagram Kanal mit großer Reichweite.

Reichmann Engineering SENDuro: The facts
DownDuro, PedalPark, Super Enduro – there are many terms for this category, but these bikes have one thing in common: they put a big grin on your face when you go downhill!
Matthias Reichmann, founder and owner of Reichmann Engineering or RCMN for short, is known for his legendary downhill frame “RIP”. Now the RIP gets a little brother in the form of a long travel enduro bike.
Matthias Reichmann, founder and owner of Reichmann Engineering or RCMN for short, is known for his legendary downhill frame “RIP”. Now the RIP gets a little brother in the form of a long travel enduro bike.